On Phone-a-thons and Photo Ops  

Posted by Colleen

So often I see celebrities at charity functions. And being an intelligent person, I realize that at least some of it is for publicity. It looks good to have an artist show their altruism. And I know that some celebrities just get their pictures taken, take a couple of calls, answer a few questions. You know, basically whisk in and whisk out. I've wondered just what impact they make.

And now I know.

The following is an excerpt from a blog written by family members of a boy being treated at Boston's Childrens' Hospital. It brought me to the tears I am now shedding. Tears of empathy for Cody and his family. Tears of embarrassment for feeling so jaded. Sometimes these "photo ops" touch hearts. They make a difference even if it's just for a moment.

It was just so beautiful and really spoke to me. This has been a difficult time and we often aren’t completely in touch with our emotions about it. I find myself being strong at the hospital and then crying at commercials. This time, I was crying right there in the hospital for the reasons that I was actually hurting. Just so real.

Read the rest of the blog here:

Maybe you can help Cody in your way ....like Jason Castro did.

Photo courtesy of Life Magazine

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