Giving Thanks  

Posted by Colleen

Thanksgiving. Traditionally, a time to gather with family and friends to give thanks for all the blessings we have received in the recent year. It is still a time to share a table with loved ones and to share God's bounty. But traditions evolve and so I find myself give thanks in a new way today.

I have been blessed, during the past year and a half, to meet and get to know some remarkable people. Some of them remain "on-line friends" but many others have become the dearest of friends in real life. I know I would never have met them in another place and time. They live across this country and around the planet. Because of them, my world has gotten a little bit smaller and my life has become far richer. And for this, I give thanks.

So why here? What does this have to do with Jason Castro? It is simply because, for whatever reason, we all saw a man, an artist, that struck a special chord in us. He is our common thread.

And so Jason, I do give thanks for you. While you were following your own path, lives were being changed, and for the better. I know mine has been.

I wish all of you the happiest of times. Appreciate every moment. I love each and every one of you.


(Such. a. sap.)

And so it begins...  

Posted by Colleen

The first leg of Jason Castro's tour has been announced. He's partnering with Matt Hires in January and February for the State Line Tour.

For the schedule, click here.

This segment focuses mostly in the south and midwest.
Lucky bitches

he tweets  

Posted by Laura Anne

It appears the twitter drought may be over. Looks like someone got to Jason and told him that he needs to tweet more. He must've taken their advice. He's been tweeting like a fool the last two days and boy, are we grateful. Keep it up, Jason.

And yes, I am gonna gloat for a minute... I finally got my tweet. And not only was it a reply to me, but it was a tweet where the Goth Girls were mentioned.

He also replied to our very own cba today! Happiness all around.

If you're not already, follow Jason on twitter:

This was worth a blog post, right?

a little reminder  

Posted by Laura Anne

The Goth Girls have been here since the beginning, so don't go thinking that anything is gonna change that. We know Jason is the sexiest thing out there, but sometimes we just need a little reminder. We figured y'all might need a reminder too. So, check out our latest poll:

@jasoncastro - Sexiest photos of 2009.
Which do you prefer?

You know you love him... XOXO Goth Girl.