A follow up to this post...
Entertainment Weekly has made their list of the readers pick for Entertainer of the Year. And wouldn't you know it... Our voting paid off.
Jason is on the list. He is listed 13th. The Davids are 3rd & 4th. And he is ranked above the Jonas Brothers.
Congrats Jason. You will always be our Entertainer of the Year!!
see all the picks here
morning myspace bulletin:
Date: Oct 28, 2008 8:52 AM CST
Subject: goodmorning!
and goodbye, im headed to LA! left you guys a little message on my page :) later!
and that message... breakfast date - from bed!
Does he not know he's famous??
Date: Oct 27, 2008 10:51 PM CST
Subject: hi hi hiiii
hey there, jason here.
im being lazy tonight, feeling tired... not ready to leave home yet! :( but maybe thats just the laziness talking because i am truly excited about the weeks work! whoop! anybody on aim? my sn is THEjasoncastro.... now a few years ago when i was on a little show called cheyenne and my sn got out my computer would freeze everytime i opened aim... so this will probably only work for a few minutes... haha but id love to chat with somebody! if you cant reach me there send me a good message here and im gonna try to get back to a few of em tonight.
5 minutes later...
Date: Oct 27, 2008 10:56 PM CST
Subject: ok that was kind of crazy....
so im gonna make a little plan.... if i put up an away message that says full.... that means im full.... haha my screen is exploding with windows!
7 minutes later...
Date: Oct 27, 2008 11:03 PM CST
Subject: that really didnt work.... haha
there are over 200 im windows on my screen and i dont know what to do with them....
We love that you wanted to talk to us, but babe - you ARE famous!! And we want to talk to you. Thanks for trying, though.
Wow! Have we been waiting for this! Amar A Morir will soon be released and here's its website. I guess everyone knows that Jason recorded Hallelujah for this film. Be sure to click on Soundtrack. Jason got raves reviews for his version of the song. Anyone up for a foreign film party?
Amor A Morir Website
Thanks to Tara for the great catch here.
photo borrowed from Castrocopia
Late night bulletin. Good thing I stay up late!!
And maybe he's gotten the hint that we miss him. Two bulletins and new pics all in the same day! This will make for happy GOTH GIRLS!!
Date: Oct 25, 2008 1:16 AM
Subject: new myspace layout and new pics!
man i have had a blast tonight! i love the internet. i love myspace. i love knowledgeable people, specifically a nancy that guided me over to killerkiwi tonight where i was able to create my own layout! ya im lovin it! mclovin it! ;) speaking of nancy, shes getting a street team together for me over on the forums at JCM! ill post the link below if youre interested! i think well get a myspace up for it soon...anyways its wayyyy late and ive got a stomach ache.
time to get some rest!
aaand the link as promised ;)
Title in honor of Frankenstein. I thought it was appropriate given Jason's latest bulletin.
Date: Oct 24, 2008 6:25 PM
Subject: helllooooo world!
i just got home from a few weeks in la and as you all know, internet is scarce where i have been staying. it feels like forever! anyways i just wanted to say hey heyyyy, and let you know ill be posting a video blog soon. sorry its been so long! who wants to go to a haunted house? that sounds fun.
yessss lets do it!
From Carly Smithson's My Space blog. Thanks, Carly. Nice to know he's still alive and well. =)
Castro came over tonight to hang out and check out my new place . He loved it here so im gonna try convince him to rent the apartment downstairs so I can have a friend in my building . Haha !!! We ended up not being able to work my new TV so opted for a movie called Body Of Lies at the famous chinese theatre . Such a good flick !!!!!! We also listened to some of each others new songs we have written . Let me tell you I will be buying Castros record . I am very proud of him . Beautiful songs !!!
Thanks to Madi for the find!
Not talking about the presidential election (although you should vote then too!).
Entertainment Weekly is asking the question:
Who is your Entertainer of the Year?
Head on over and vote for Goth Daddy!!!! Do it now.
vote here
Jason attended Michael John's 30th birthday party on October 19th in California.
Looks like the boys had lots of fun!!
see the original photos here
Jason visited a grade school in Rockwall,TX today. He met and played for a guitar club of 5th & 6th graders. Thanks to girlmomx3 for blogging about it and taking pictures.Whatta guy!
AND to top it all off, he is wearing the t-shirt that our very own castro4 gave him... but not our pants.
Jason, its ok to wear your good jeans out.
In case you haven't heard, Michael Castro auditioned for American Idol Season 8 in Kansas City, MO over the weekend. Did he make it? I guess we'll have to wait until January to find out.
Watch the news footage. Jason's in it! Squeee!
Uh oh...Michael has a room here. We may need more mods. LOL.
New date night!! It's about time.
Watch this one once, with the sound off. Our man makes such silly faces!!
Date: Oct 6, 2008 2:38 PM
Subject: hey guys!
Body: sooo this is my first time to have internet in like 2 weeks! unacceptable! haha but what can you doooo. i got home this morning, long drive with my family. this last week i was in la recording and i wrote another smash hit. haha so excited about the music! ill have a little something out before the end of the year for you guys so you can hear what ive been up to! oh ya, and tomorrow how about a date night? im open if you are ;) ah! its been so long! maybe ill save my updates for then.... but ive been working hard! as a matter of fact, i gotta head up to the studio now!
ciao ciao!
From Betsy's thread on the Dreadheads new forum. I thought it was sweet and wanted to share.
Sept 27, 2008, 7:48am
I should've gotten here sooner! Thanks you guys! Wow! I love it here! I actually found my spot and I didn't have to wait! How is everybody! Well I'm up and ready to go, but my body would've like a few more hours in bed. My 3 little angels are upstairs sleeping soundly (yes, including Jason) and I am about to go make something that will wake them up! Anyhow, we've had a crazy busy amazing week filled with lots of work and decisions, but it is so exciting to see the entire "jason project" develop. Lots of great new songs and so much love!
Well gotta run!
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